Monday, August 24, 2009


If someone hurts you, betrays you, or breaks your heart, forgive them for they have helped you learn about trust and the importance of being cautious to who you open you heart to. The thought of us two the thought of me and you. It scares me on the inside but makes me happy on the outside.

Saturday, August 8, 2009


The Rainbow

    I have been to a place
    that exists somewhere beyond.
    It is a world of peace and harmony
    where all creatures are equal
    and dreams are fulfilled.

    No room for false pretenses
    or deception
    No place for prejudice
    or hatred.

    In this land of everlasting sunshine
    and magnificent rainbows
    The scent of flowers lingers,
    their brilliant colors delight the eyes.
    Birds create a symphony of merriment
    as butterflies dance on the air.

    A feeling of contentment and joy
    like none experienced before.
    Found only in this special place
    and fills me with hope and renewal.
    I can believe that anything is possible
    in this land beyond.

    Hold my hand.
    Let me show you the way.
    Share with me
    this magical place
    Somewhere beyond the rainbow.

    And with Love for Cole

I Watch you Go

      I see your eyes,
      one final glance as you look back at me,
      and we both know it is time.
      Although I swore
      I would never have to let you go
      It's a promise I cannot keep.

      I need to live
      and you need to grow.

      My heart folds back onto itself
      And I just bend my knees and lower my center
      To withstand the buffet of the winds
      That will blow by me,
      and through me
      Without you standing there to shelter me.

      The tether is cut,
      and you are free to fly
      and I lose an anchor,
      and my cheeks burn,
      from the icy wind
      and the few tears that sneak past the wall
      That I am leaning on
      so that I can stand
      and watch you go.

      And someday soon I think
      I will find a haven
      Where I can cry the tears
      And let the salt water cleanse the wounds
      So they can begin to heal
      But now is not the time.

      One hand raised
      I salute you
      With a wave of good-bye
      Wishing you all the blessings of this earth
      And when we meet again
      it won't be the same
      But we will always know

      How much we loved
      and trusted
      and shared
      Victories, losses, adventures
      and just the passage of time.

      Look back no more
      Eyes to the future
      And I will just stand here
      and watch you go.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

ting tong

adoi mgu dpan da la exam.
ak ta siap pe lg.
hope ta mlarat.

Thursday, July 23, 2009


smlm da setle.hihi slmt pntafsir agama tu bek. besh sgt. ustza taget ak "A". aminnnnnnn mudah mudahan doa ustza makbul. ak ta wase ustza tu tewok sgt. yla sume org ta bpe ske kn ustza termsk ak dlu. skrg ak da ske kt ustza tu malah ak lg sygg kn dye. urmmm ptg ni de kem qiamulai ak mmng na g. nta la mud ak na jd bek. bkn wt2 tp mmng serius.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

bodo taw bodo

hek eley hal kecik pn na besar2 kn.
ta mati la if pasal kertas warna.
dasar budak jalanan.
kalo pndai xpe gak.
ni pn bengong.


aku ni mmng ank kurang slmt ayh ak da maaf kn ak.
ak btl2 xsngaje. mizan thnx cz da bg ak smngat.ak sgt mnghargainya. thnx gak kt husna,mira n kt ustazah wan faridah(kdng2 ak kurng snang ngn beliau).

Saturday, July 11, 2009


skrg ni agak tenang. ak pn da berbaik ngn qimi. so tade pe yg ak nk rsau kn. krimasan ak kini da mlepas. so ak harap tade spe yg na menyibuk dalam hidup ak. kowg xtaw btape bencu nye ak. gagagaga.

Saturday, July 4, 2009


seperti yg ak ckp aritu.
sakit ati rse nya.
act bkn sakit ati tp mnyampah.
na taw dye ckp pe.
x pe la...
dh 2 kpu2sn mira x pe la...
x pe la.....
mmng ptot pn qimie kne mrah cz mira dh bnyk kly saba ngan qimie kn... xpe la bia la jdy kngn....
kimie arp mira ma'f kn qimie je..
2 je yg qimie nk x lbh dry 2...

sepatut nye dye yg fhm ak.
bukan ak yg fhm dye.
wase cm bodo kn.
whateva la.
yg penting ak na ko msok dlm kpale otak ko yg ak xsedia na berbaik nan ko lg.
skali ak ckp jgn mkne jgn kcau.
bia ak pny ati yg dtg kt ko bkn dgn cre terpakse.
ak ckp kasar bru na fhm.
ak ckp bek ta na fhm.
ko ni g scola ke x.?
BG AKU TENANG DLU>!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, July 3, 2009

da lme x mencerita.

da lme ak x cerita actvty ak.
juz busy. to all kwn2 smkbm ak mish gle kt kowg.
tmbh1 kt ali n ketek.
ak ingt lg lagu2 yg kowg nyanyi kt ak ble kowg dapat taw ak na tukar scola.

lelaki idaman or not.

urm... act ak xkesa sgt pn. tp kdang2 sum1 mst merimaskn. donno y. lelaki ni mmng x fhm ckp melayu. bkn ta btaw tp da manyak kali btaw. ak xske wkt ak nga na pjuk ati ak ttbe dye wt mcm da bebaek ngn ak padahal ak mls na ckp nan dye. wase cm dye tu membeban kan la. da ckp elok2 tp x fhm gak. na kate bodo g scola. sbb kn ak pn na mati. kalo manyak pahala xpe gak ak pn xkesa. juz ak hope dye fhm la ak walau seminit. ak juz na ketenangan. lgpn ak x pena kate ak na cpl nan dye. ak na blaja tahun ni. ak bule ckp rasmi cpl nan dye lpas abes exam. ikwan hakimi ak na ko taw yg ko mnganggu prestasi ak na blaja. ak ta na amek taw sume hal ko ngn ex ko. tu mslh kowg bkn ak. ble ko ckp ko na nangs sume ak lngsng x wase pape yg ak wase meluat lg adela. ak syg ko tp tlg la blaja thun ni kte sme2 na exam bsar. senang ckp skrg ni ko sdang merimaskan ak. soe ak tpakse ckp. kalo x smpai ble2 ko xkn sdar. kowg caye x lpas dye bce mende ni mst dye anta msg cmni "qimi taw qimi ni bodo sume sala qimi. memng patut tade org na kwn nan qimi" or cmni "qimie syg rara. npe cmni." sbnr nya manyak lg tp ak na dye sniri ingt. lg 1 if ko de mslh ngn ex ko tlg jgn beban kn ak kcuali if ko de mslh ngn fmily or kwn.

to scooby ; ko pn menyebok gak. kaki ngadu kt dye. aku bule bg penghargaan MENYAMPAH ak kt ko.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

mid year exam.

tp xpe lpas exam ni cuti.
matb grak kl kot.
haha xtaw.
erm maw meet my sys.
mish her much2.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

klimat owns

esok bergerak ke klimat.
adohyai ceruk toll.
if bkn sbb pljran da lme xnk pg.


adohyai..buhsan btl. td x g scola cz bgn lmbt. smlm mama ak brsalin.
dapat baby girl. cumell. mnx2 ayh ak x lupe kn ak.
mama tiri la kate kn.